The Latin American Diaries

Reflections on screening Cuba: Living Between Hurricanes during Covid-19
By Jean Stubbs, Research Fellow, Institute of Latin American Studies “Some compare what’s coming with a category 5 hurricane.” Among the many challenges Covid-19 has thrown our way has been having to adapt to online screenings followed by Q&A for our new...

Race, Activism and Space in Latin-American Theory and Practice
Photo courtesy: Nayani Teixeira By Nadia Mosquera and Archie Davies (ILAS) Amid the Covid-19 pandemic, on May 28th 2020 the Institute of Latin American Studies (ILAS) held an online symposium exploring the connections between space, activism and race in Latin America....

Indigenous’ people land rights. The Mapuche versus Benetton in Patagonia
The Mapuche Indians occupying a property belonging to Benetton,, 27th December 2019: by Domenico Giannino, Visiting Fellow, Institute of Latin American Studies The Mapuche indigenous community is the largest ethnic group in...

Reflections on the Covid-19 crisis from the perspective of Latin American history
Linda A Newson, Director of the Institute of Latin American Studies Earlier in my career I wrote extensively on the devastating demographic impact of Old World diseases in colonial Latin America following the arrival of Europeans. While we now have greater knowledge...

Environmental Justice and Alternatives to Development in Latin America: Knowledge, Narratives and Cultural Production
Dr Paula Serafini, Research Associate, CAMEo Research Institute for Cultural and Media Economies, University of Leicester On March 6th 2020 I had the privilege of hosting an interdisciplinary cohort of delegates for a workshop exploring the role of cultural production...

Societal Responses to Crime and Violence in Mexico
By Catherine Whittaker, Postdoctoral researcher at the University of Munich and visiting researcher at the University of California San Diego On the morning of 27 May 2019, I was hesitant to board the bus to Zamora, a small, conservative city in the Central Mexican...

A tribute to Ina Rösing by a Kallawaya
By Jonathan Alderman (ILAS) Professor Ina Rösing, anthropologist and psychiatrist, who for many years worked at the University of Ulm in Germany, passed away on the 7th of December 2018. She was 76 years old. From 1990 to 2008, Ina Rösing wrote extensively on the...

A database of legal actions and artefacts devised in conflicts over mineral resources
by Ainhoa Montoya (ILAS) and Constanza Pauchulo (Lawyer & Researcher) Populations inhabiting resource-rich territories have engaged with resource extraction in varied ways. In Central America, like in the Andean, Amazonian, and Southern Cone regions of Latin...

Indigenous Urbanisation in Latin America
We are living in an increasingly urban world and indigenous peoples are no exception to this trend. In a context of urbanisation, indigeneity does not magically disappear. But how can urban indigeneity be understood, studied and addressed in practice?

Darwin, Darwinism and Latin America
By Dr. Elisa Sevilla (University of San Francisco, Quito) The LAGLOBAL workshop on “Darwin, Darwinism and Latin America” took place on 31 October 2019 with the participation of leading scholars on Darwin and Darwinism in Latin America, including Prof. Rosaura Ruiz...
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